• Practise These Healthy Habits To Feel Your Best

    Practise These Healthy Habits To Feel Your Best

    Has this year has left you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what move to make next? Getting into a good routine can greatly improve your overall well-being and get you motivated to achieve your goals!
  • 5 Reasons Why You Should do Yoga

    5 Reasons Why You Should do Yoga

    The practise of Yoga has been around for centuries, yet it has gained mass attention over the recent years. With YouTube yoga classes, you can access educational content from the comfort of your own home and with the worldwide pandemic, people have been searching for different ways to relieve stress and promote good health. Yoga has been recognised as one of the healthiest things...
  • Minimalism: De-clutter Your Life!

    Minimalism: De-clutter Your Life!

    With each year that goes by, you accumulate more and more possessions. The media would tell you that the more belongings you have, the happier, richer and more fulfilled you are. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In some cases, spending money on too many material possessions can lead to stress, financial struggles and a home that is full of unnecessary clutter. This...
  • How to do a Social Media Cleanse

    How to do a Social Media Cleanse

    Social media has been a constant influence on our lives for the past 10 years. Since the invention of things like Instagram, Facebook and YouTube it feels like everything has progressed so rapidly that we haven’t had the time to actually reflect on what we’re consuming. Considering social media is something we consume every day, shouldn’t we take a look at what we’re filling...
  • Mindfulness: Take Control of Your Life

    Mindfulness: Take Control of Your Life

    Do you hate being alone with your thoughts? Do you get angry easily and struggle to control your emotions? Do you feel anxious all day because of a fake scenario you created in your head? These experiences are far too common, and people are claiming that mindfulness is the answer to all these problems. But what does that really mean and how can you practice mindfulness too?  What does...
  • How Gratitude Helps You Reach Your Body Goals

    How Gratitude Helps You Reach Your Body Goals

      Whether you're been chasing your fitness goals for a while, or you're just getting started, your attitude can determine your level of success. By cultivating gratitude on a daily basis, you can not only enjoy the process more, but have an extra tool to take your results that next step further! 1. Gratitude can prevent you from overeating Saying grace before meals is...
  • 5 Mood-boosting Ways to Keep Active at Home

    5 Mood-boosting Ways to Keep Active at Home

    If the gym isn’t an option for you at the moment, or you simply don’t want to be there, know that you don’t always need it!
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